To add a setting twist to the game. Your money will be displayed on yoru sheet a little differently. A sub note will be displayed so you can't forget which, each item is.
They are as follows:
Caperi (CP) (Pronounced Coh-Pear-E)
Sestachi (SP) (Pronounced Ses-toh-chee)
Denari (GP) (Pronounced Den-are-EE)
A note of money:
Though player charecters may accumulate a large some of Gold or gems along their glorious years of travel, it should always be remembered that to a normal citizen a Denari is still about a decent amount of money. The Sestachi is -MAIN- coin of trade, given some things are less or more. But the value of a Denari is still a bit.
For anyone to recieve 500 Denari for example would be an amazing gift.